Since I've been down more than I would like lately, I've been working on several different crafts to keep my hands occupied. I always have a few knitting projects I'm working on, and I've been doing some embroidery as well, but I decided to try something new last night.
I had some natural colored ivory yarn sitting in my knitting case waiting for me to do something with it, so I decided to try my hand at yarn dying for the first time. I found some directions online for dying yarn with kool-aid, so I had Tom run to the store and grab me a bunch of packets of kool-aid to make some red and yellow dyes. It wasn't nearly as messy a process as I thought it would be, though I had to send Tom back to the store for more kool-aid when I was halfway through the process because the color just wasn't as developed as I wanted it to be.
I didn't exactly get the colors I was expecting, but I'm rather proud of my new balls of yarn. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to make out of them.
please post the link so that i can try this soon! does it wash out? it looks way awesome!
You help set the dye with white vinegar. I have yet to see the product after being washed, but I don't think it will fade too badly
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