Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Since Tom and I first got married, we knew we probably wouldn't stay in Utah for the long term. As most of you know, we decided to make this year the time for moving on and moving away. There are many more opportunities for both of our careers in Washington state (and being close to most of Tom's family and the beach doesn't hurt either!), so we've been trying to get everything worked out so we can get up there. My massage license is taking much longer to process than I was originally told it would (I haven't been in school for 10 years, why would it have occurred to me that May would find the health department crammed with new graduates' licensing applications?), but the plan is still to get up there as soon as we can. Many of you have asked about our timeline, so here it is to our closest estimation:

July 8-12: We will be heading up to Washington for some massage interviews and spending a bit of time with family there. We aren't actually moving at this time, just making a quick trip to take care of business.

July 17: This will PROBABLY be my last day at work here in Utah, as long as the new estimate from the health department is correct and I am licensed and legal by then. My boss is being great and extremely flexible with me. She's letting me work as long as I can, so I'll get the chance to train the new therapist they just hired before I go.

July 17-25: We're hoping to be moving to Washington somewhere in here. We will probably be somewhere within an hour or so of Seattle, but until the job situation is settled, we're not even sure about that.

We're really excited about this change in our lives, although we will miss our friends and family here in Utah. We will keep everyone updated with our new address and phone numbers when we get them (yes, I'm actually going to change the phone number I've had for about 15 years!). I hope that after we finally get settled into our new place we can get back into the rhythm of keeping up our blog and living normal lives (okay, I don't think we EVER come too close to normal, but you know what I mean).


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