Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mister James and Me

James has had his share of adventure lately, and has certainly brought us along for the ride. Not only did he throw himself off my shoulders the other night (giving himself a light concussion), but this morning he managed to pull himself over the side of his crib for the first time--in the middle of my shower (of course, when else would such a thing happen?).

Today we've spent a lot of time playing with things he's really too young for--Lego bricks, headphones, stuff like that. Saturdays can be tough for the both of us, but there are times when he really pays me back.

He woke up late last night crying. I went in to comfort him. We rocked in the chair. I sang to him. Lo and behold, he fell asleep in my arms. He used to do that all the time, but much more rarely these days. It took several songs for him to nod off, but when I put him down in his crib he stretched out like he used to when he was just brand new. I'll be thinking about that for a long time.
