In other exciting news, it's happened at last, just when we were about to content ourselves with the cold reality that it would never happen: we're having a baby. That little shadow on the upper right of the ultrasound is growing into our baby (taken a few weeks ago). It has a heartbeat, fingers, toes, and even a gender-neutral nickname: Fuzzyhead.
I'm nine and a half weeks along and we've had a blast telling family and friends, fantasizing about the future, pondering possible names, and even gathering up a few things to prepare. In fact we bought a stroller and car-seat travel set on Craigslist recently. Having it around our place is a regular reminder of the huge changes ahead.
Tom feels confident that it'll be a girl. I go back and forth, but we'll both be thrilled either way.
We're so blessed. We're a little scared about the changes coming, but mostly we're just grateful our family is going to grow.