This is our lovely fireplace and Christmas tree. Aren't those stockings adorable? The tree skirt matches them, but it's buried in this picture.
Here's a closeup on our full stockings.
Some of the mess after opening gifts Christmas morning.
Ash discovered that she REALLY loved peanuts. She got excited every time we cracked the shells open, and just scarfed them down when we were trying to show her she wouldn't like them. We were wrong, lol. After that she kept trying to sneak into our stockings to find more peanuts. I had to get a picture of this.
Only a minute or two after this picture was taken, we discovered that apparently she wasn't able to chew them up enough or something... when she vomited on the floor and then tried to do it again. We ended up having to tie her up so that if it happened again it would at least be on linoleum instead of carpet. Stepping in her vomit wasn't exactly the highlight of my morning >:P
We went to my parents' house on Christmas afternoon, and soon after Jeff and Crystal arrived with their kids. Leo was especially cuddly. I was lucky to snatch this adorable picture of him kissing Tom on the cheek :D
Mom didn't have time to make everyone pajamas this year, but she bought them for us all. Crystal was showing Ella her p.j.'s here, and as you'll see in the next picture.....
Ella loved them!! She started carrying them around the house with her, just like they were her new favorite dolly. It was adorable! She loved getting them put on, although she wasn't sure what to think about the long sleeves. She's used to her shorter-sleeved p.j.'s I guess.
Leo got this anime hair from one of his uncles on his mom's side of the family. He wore it around all day (that is when Devin, Ryan and Tanner weren't stealing it to model for themselves).
We had our usual "talent show" this year. Our camera doesn't take videos with sound, but this was Leo and Ella singing the "ABC" song. They are speaking so much now. Leo's speech especially is getting a lot more easy to understand. The dancing and bouncing here was cute, so I couldn't resist posting it.
We hope all of you had a great Christmas wherever you spent it. Have a happy New Year!